About Us
For over 90 years, Hunt Memorials has been the standard of excellence in Nashville for the memorial industry. We are a proud family business of four generations with an unwavering standard of quality and craftsmanship. Every family has a unique story and it is our pleasure to tell that story through our one of a kind designs and artwork. We’ve worked with thousands of families, civic leaders, and organizations from all over the world designing custom pieces of commemorative art to help families honor and remember their loved ones. We use only the highest quality stone, ensuring the gravestone you purchase will remain beautiful for generations to come.
Let The Stone Speak
“I believe as my dad and grandfather did, that all memoralists are storytellers. We say, let the stone speak.” Charlie Hunt is the first recipient of the Eugene H. Faehnle Award from The American Institute of Commemorative Arts (AICA), the highest place award of its kind in the monument industry for design. Other prestigious 1st Place Awards include MBNA Biondan Award, The Harold J. Schaller, AICA Conceptual Design and Rendering Award, MBNA People’s Choice Award, MBNA Award for Outstanding Excellence in Monument Design. Hunt Memorials has placed first in every design category in the industry. We invite you to work with one of the most recognized companies in the industry. Great meaningful design is our passion.
Artisan, Craftsman, Stone Carver
In today’s digital world, it seems everyone is an expert. Yet a growing number of monument companies don’t actually have a shop. The skills required are hands-on and cannot be learned from an online course. If they have never swung a hammer or studied layout and design, how expert are they? Look for authenticity, not claims. Ask to see the work they have done, then look for the dust on their boots.